Many people have filed their 2023 federal income tax return. Our clients are encouraged to securely upload to our firm so they may receive a complimentary “Tax Observation Report” from us. This report analyzes and distills your return into meaningful information to discuss in our tax planning meetings. Here are questions this report helps answer:
There may be many other elements in your customized Tax Observation Report, but that’s a quick list. I have a question for you. If you paid a tax professional to file your return, did they provide this type of report to you and discuss how you might make strategic decisions this year to improve your tax outcomes? I’ll guess no. If you did your own return, or paid someone to handle, let’s discuss your Tax Observation Report.
Poterack Capital Advisory nor Private Advisor Group gives legal, tax or accounting advice. Please consult with your qualified professionals for this type of advice. Investment Advice offered through Private Advisor Group, LLC, a Registered Investment Advisor. Poterack Capital Advisory and Private Advisor Group are separate entities.
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